Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth

2020 is the Year to Pursue Righteousness

In prayer today the Lord showed me the state of the church around the world and how so many have been playing church without true repentance for their sin. They have walked in pride and arrogance coming against those who are godly because they are able to speak louder and make threats if anyone dares comes against them. The spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan have infected many of those in the church at all different levels. Jezebel wants to pursue leadership so they can control other people and come against the true Holy Spirit and shut down the Lord in people’s lives. So many are sexually impure, controlling, manipulative, prideful (Leviathan – Job 41), lie and come against their own godly spouses trying to stop them from doing the work of the Lord, coming against those who are in godly ministries operating for the Lord, wanting to promote themselves, take money from people who are hurting and use them, and they have impure motives in their own hearts. God said He is going to expose those who have ungodly minds and impure hearts like never before. He has given them time to repent and they are thumbing their noses at…

Beware of the beautiful outward appearance with an evil heart

Over the last few years I have ministered to thousands around the world who have been operating in the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits.  One observation that I have made is that the large majority of them would be considered to be physically attractive, both women and men.  When a person looks beautiful or handsome, they are are often able to get others to do what they want much more easily.  They also are usually very charismatic and outgoing, natural born leaders and people draw to them. But what happens to those that host the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits, is that their hearts are unfortunately being used by the enemy in very evil ways.  Those who are married to them, see the other side and their physical beauty becomes a facade of evilness and hypocritical behavior behind closed doors.  All the words of control, manipulation, emotional abuse and even physical or sexual abuse, far outweigh the attractiveness of their face.  Because their face contains their mouth which spews forth all kinds of evil which does not align with whom they are trying to portray with their outward public appearance. How many of you have known people that fit this description?  So…

What are the telltale signs if someone is operating in the Jezebel / Leviathan spirits

There is often a misconception of someone that is operating in the Jezebel spirit.  Many believe that the person is only a woman and is very sexually seductive.  While some that are afflicted by that spirit are very overtly driven by their sexuality in order to gain power over a man in ministry, there are far more that are operating in the spirit in a much more subtle, less obvious way.  And while the Jezebel spirit affects a higher percentage of women than men, men also operate in it as well and are just as deceptive and their verbal assaults are even more intimidating. A person that is tormented by the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits typically grow up with the lack of true, unconditional love from their fathers.  They can also have an extremely controlling and manipulative mother.  Usually their fathers are busy, therefore do not spend much time with them, are controlling, critical and their child does not feel like they can just be themselves around them.  In the more extreme cases - their fathers are emotionally harsh, and can even be physically or sexually abusive. So if you or someone you know are being affected by the Jezebel spirit,…

The Jezebel spirit causes people to manufacture favor with other people

People who are afflicted with the Jezebel spirit will try to obtain favor through trying to become close friends with those of influence and power over other people.  They often times will give them gifts (money, clothes, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) so that they feel obligated to them.  This allows them to operate in their ministry / church with protection over themselves, while controlling and manipulating other people within the ministry or church. Jezebel affected people will also try to speak words of flattery to those in authority (you are so anointed, God's favor is all over you, you are amazing, I am so fortunate to be in your ministry or church, etc).  The spirit of Jezebel is very cunning and sly, very hard to perceive by those on the positive receiving end.  But they are not altruistic in their behavior behind the scenes.  They wreak havoc in the lives of others.  Spewing their poisonous venom over everyone that they can control and manipulate. Man's favor is only temporary and cannot stand up to the test of time.  If a person is lying and treating others poorly behind the scenes, eventually it all comes to light.  Then they are exposed and…

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