Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HEALING & DELIVERANCE RESTORES YOUR CHILDLIKE INNOCENCE Children our easy targets for the enemy to hurt as they can’t protect themselves and are innocent. As we grow up we get hurt by people. Hurt by our fathers, mothers, siblings, teachers, church leaders, etc. We get exposed to pornography, touched sexually, molested, raped, nudity which causes demonic spirits of lust, perversion to give us urges to masturbate and have sexual relationships before we get married. We get messed up. We hear demonic spirits give us thoughts hundreds and thousands of times a day. And that includes those who attend church and can pray in tongues. When we are able to forgive all who hurt us, repent for our pride and sin, give the Lord our sexual lust and impure desires then the sexual images and illicit memories are wiped clean from us and we get our childlike innocence back. We become Childlike. We laugh more, tease, have wholesome fun, no longer desire to lust after people or seek out porn or behave in selfish ways. We want to play, exercise, go for walks outside, eat healthy, and we have love in our hearts for others. We are like children again in…


UNFORGIVENESS & PRIDE CAN BLOCK GOD FROM HEALING US In 2015-17 I led a healing ministry in Noblesville, IN at a church and we were open every Saturday from 12-4 (sometimes 5 pm) and saw people from all over Indiana and eventually from other states come to get healed from various physical sicknesses and pains. We became the busiest healing room in the state. The Lord told me to always address having people forgive those who hurt them and repent for their pride because unforgiveness and pride would often not allow Him to heal them until they dealt with that first as the demons would have legal rights to attack them. Unforgiveness is now classified in medical books as a disease. According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. With that in mind, forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases, such as cancer. "It's important to treat emotional wounds or disorders because they really can hinder someone's reactions to the treatments, even someone's willingness to pursue treatment," Standiford explained. Of all cancer patients, 61 percent have forgiveness issues, and…


It has been amazing to watch in 2020 as the increase in demand around the world from people who are flocking to inner healing and deliverance ministries are looking for results that the mental health and counseling community rarely sees.  People are desperate for peace. Simply put – you cannot behaviorally improve your life by trying harder without going through the process of inner healing and deliverance.  Until you are able to address and stop all the negative thoughts that come from demons in your mind (50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% are negative and 95% repetitive from the day before according to a National Science Foundation study in 2005) you will be tormented and never have peace.   No matter how many times your pastor / counselor or therapist tells you to think positively and be at peace – if your demons have legal rights to torment your mind with their voices through unforgiveness of people who have hurt you in your past, behaving pridefully and rehashing all the bad things that have ever happened to you - then you will never experience peace.  Medicine and counseling from a non-spiritual perspective cannot cure a spiritual demonic issue. The most…

How we talk to our children later becomes their inner voice

Have you ever considered what you say to your children can haunt them the rest of their lives if you speak negative words of death over them?  Conversely, if you speak positive words of encouragement and life that they will blossom like a flower that receives sunshine and water and will see blessings in their lives.  How often do you think and take inventory of exactly how you speak to and treat your own children?   Those who spoke negatively every day to their children as they were growing up will see children who are largely affected in a negative way for the rest of their lives.  Unfortunately the parents will then blame their children and speak out words of condemnation over them causing a huge chasm to expand throughout their lifetimes between them.  Their children will naturally distance themselves from their parents - wanting to stop the onslaught of death words over them.  Then often the parents will blame shift the reasons that their children want nothing to do with them onto their victimized children causing their children to feel hurt deeply and rarely wanting to ever speak to them as their parents need to own their abuse over…

How to heal your soul wounds so you can love like Christ

What are soul wounds?  We are made up of three parts.  We are a spirit that has a soul and we live in a physical body.  Our souls are comprised of our minds, freewill and emotions.  Both Satan and God want our souls.  We have a freewill to choose to serve God or Satan.  When we are hurt growing up then demons have a legal right to attach to those wounds.  The demons then give us thoughts in our minds and remind us of the pain that we went through, the injustices, the violations, the rejections, and when we listen to them we will not be at peace. We will have challenges sleeping at night as the enemy torments our thoughts. We will make bad decisions that will hurt us and others.  We will have more fruit of the flesh then fruit of the Holy Spirit.  We have to discern which thoughts are from the enemy and which are from the Lord and reject all thoughts coming from the enemy. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 New King James Version (NKJV) 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling…

How to be emotionally healed from trauma from your past

When a person is hurt emotionally through others taking advantage of them in various ways, the enemy will speak to them to take offenses of the injustice which then harbors the power of unforgiveness used by the enemy to cause continued bitterness and ultimately physical and emotional bondage.  Therefore there are so many people today who are walking around with wounds from their past who are stuck and cannot move forward into all the freedom the Lord has for them based upon the level of abuse and trauma suffered through other people. Some people are hurt through their father and / or mother who treated them badly, rejecting them, controlling them, abusing them in every way imaginable.  Some people are hurt through their spouses treating them with control, manipulation, sexual selfishness, lying, cheating, etc and then not apologizing to them for the abuse.  So with all the hurt and pain that a person receives, how can they move past their past onto their future that the Lord wants to take them into?  Because the Lord wants to use their pain for His gain in helping other people to be set free.  The Lord wants to anoint their lives in powerful…

The Bible says that by His stripes we were healed – and i believed it

Since learning about being able to walk in true divine health simply by realizing that we have all power and authority over sickness and disease due to Jesus Christ dying on the cross and rising again, I have been healed from all that the enemy has tried to come against me with since 2009.  It has truly been amazing for me to witness as I had no clue that Christians could do that before I was told about the greatest secret that the enemy does not want us to know about.  It is definitely something that the enemy wants to come against us learning about, and you do have to fight for it in your mind, as that is where the battlefield takes place. Since the Lord told me back in 2009 that I could be healed from everything that the enemy tried to put on me the rest of my life, but ONLY if I did not get into fear, because once I got into fear I was on the enemy's territory and there was nothing He could do to heal me at that point.  God said that all Christians could walk in divine health, but only if they…

Extreme personal sacrifice can develop into an extreme anointing from the Lord

When one is enduring an extreme tribulation in life, the Lord can use it later in our lives as an extreme anointing from Him when coming out the other side healed, redeemed and restored.  There is a vast difference between enduring an extreme circumstance when you have no choice in life (such as verbal abuse as a child or worse) and then willingly allowing yourself to be taken advantage of or emotionally abused (or worse) in a marriage. When one is a child and grows up with a parent (or both) who treat you with rejection, control, criticism or worse, there is much pain that develops which the enemy uses later in life.  The enemy whispers to you that you cannot trust anyone and based out of fear, you become very controlling and can be abusive to other relationships in life, sabotaging them.  But once healed later in life, through forgiveness and possibly through renunciation prayers commanding any enemy spirits, such as Jezebel or Leviathan, to be gone from your life, you can develop an anointing from the Lord to help many others get freed. When a person is married to someone who treats them with contempt, verbally criticizing them…

Getting Physical Healing Through Deliverance of Spirits

This past weekend I was able to participate in a launch of a Healing Rooms at Deeper Life Church in Redondo Beach, CA as well as to connect with people at Bethel Church in Sanger, CA and in a personal home in Fresno, CA. I really enjoy working personally with people because I love seeing the Holy Spirit get to the root of the issue to dislodge what needs to be done from a spiritual perspective instead of immediately praying for physical pain like I was initially trained on by a church that did not follow the Holy Spirit. When I first opened up my own Healing Room back in October of 2015 the Lord told me to always get insight on what was going on in the person's life by first getting a word from the Holy Spirit. The reason was that often times the pains were being caused by the enemy spirit and were not due to a fall, car accident or other physical trauma. So what I do is ask the Lord for a word and then I speak out what I hear. I have found that the Holy Spirit knows exactly what needs to be done…

How I grew in my anointing for miracles and healings through prayer

In 2013 I began to receive more confidence in my authority to step out and pray for other people and began to see healings in others’ lives.  Interestingly, I saw many that I prayed for healed from scoliosis and back pain at a very high success rate which was an issue I had to personally overcome in my own life. One day I got a call from a lady who lived somewhere in Indianapolis and said she felt led to call because she had found my ministry website www.restoredtofreedom.com. The woman said she could physically see demons in her home and they would get on top of her in bed and grab her arms and dig their claws into her forearms and also harass and scare her seven year old daughter.  I was very excited to take on some demons because I felt I was getting stronger in my authority and was finally up to some real challenges.    The woman put me on speaker phone and I listened to the Lord and He told me exactly what to say to command the demons to be gone from her home in Jesus name and she saw and felt them all…

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