Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


NOT EVERY MARRIAGE WAS ORDAINED BY GOD Think about it. Most marriages happen when a young man and woman are first physically attracted to one another. Then they date for a period of time to see if they are compatible with one another. If one person is very controlling, lies, cheats on them, emotionally abuses or worse, or has no godly fruit while the other person wants to live for God then often times they don’t follow through with the wedding. Often times one of the parties says they are a Christian, acts nice to them as much as they are able to muster during the dating process but ultimately has no intention in their heart of living a godly lifestyle and simply wants their future spouse to provide for their financial or physical needs, give them sex when they want it, yet will treat them like a slave with consistent emotional abuse, putting them down with a cutting tongue and possibly worse during the marriage. Does that sound like a potential marriage ordained by God? Of course not. Yet millions of marriages are consummated under false pretense. So what happens if you had every intention of serving God in…


JEZEBEL LOVES STRIFE AND HATES PEACE People who operate in the Jezebel spirit love to strive and argue and hate peace. They are used to getting people to give them what they want when they get angry and threaten and intimidate them in fear. They will provoke you until you can no longer stay at peace and then when you say something back to them in retaliation they blame you for not getting along with them. The spirit of Jezebel causes them to rant and rage, talk on and on and on without ceasing for hours. Jezebel causes arguments, fighting, strife and will change the subject multiple times in order to shift the discussion away from the real issues concerning their own bad behavior to something totally irrelevant. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have no peace in their minds. Ever. Just torment from their demons every day. They get hit with 12,000 or more thoughts a day of which 80% are negative and 95% the same thoughts they had the day before. So what does the Bible say about striving and arguing? 2 Timothy 2:23-26 NKJV 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate…

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